The word ministry means service. It shares a common root with the word minus, so it might be helpful to think of ministry as service to others from below rather than as leadership from above. Ministry at Covenant is coordinated by six teams led by elders and three teams led by deacons. It changes quickly based on need, so we will not spell out every detail on this page. All teams are open to anyone who feels like they may be called to serve.
To get the most up-to-date information, subscribe to our weekly email or contact a leader.
Between the preschool, community groups, mission projects, small groups, weekly worship, and continuous playground use, we have a lot of property that we maintain for the benefit of our community.
Dalton Cooper, Chair
It is important that members of the congregation eat together, have fellowship activities, and enjoy our community. This team organizes these opportunities, including Wednesday evening meals, men's lunch, Ladies for Lunch, and young adult gatherings.
Jim Buckalew, Chair
Susan Monk
This team coordinates small groups, Sunday school, certain aspects of the preschool, ministry with children and youth, Presbyterian Women, and Wednesday night programming.
Judy Grieve, Co-chair
Amelia Hall, Co-chair
This team is outward-focused. They give benevolences from our budget to several worthy groups and foreign missionaries. They coordinate local projects and partnerships. They also work to reach out into our community and invite people to join us.
Maria Rivera, Co-chair
Elaine Lea, Co-chair
Sustainability focuses on budgets for both the preschool and the church, finance, policies, and personnel.
Aubrey Moore, Chair
Anne Ealick Henry
This team is responsible for everything that happens inside the sanctuary. They focus on Sunday worship, special services, communion planning and preparation, ushering, the music program, and the concert series.
William Davis, Chair
Charlotte Ealick
This group of deacons and volunteers brings meals to people in need and prepares food for families and guests for funerals and memorials services.
Sabina Widner, Chair
Claire Welborn Hancock
Phil Humphrey
This team leads our congregation in praying through the prayer request list in the bulletin every week and helps to enrich the prayer life of our congregation through education and special events.
Kathy Ordelt, Chair
Kadie Cheeks
Linda-Jean Jay
This team visits those in the congregation who are no longer able to join us for worship on a regular basis. They also bring flowers from the Sunday morning arrangement with them.
Chuck Baldwin, Chair
Joyce Bowers
Julie Usry
Ministry FAQ
How do I contact the preschool? Click this link to go to the preschool website.
When is youth group? Our regular youth activities are built around Sunday morning. Other youth events are communicated to the youth group via email and text. For more information, contact Katelyn Gordon Cooke.
When is choir? We have several choirs. Click here to learn more.
How do I request prayer? Contact the church office and they will connect you with our Deacons.
What time is dinner on Wednesday? 5:45 p.m. Wednesday Night Fellowship programs are 6:15-7:00 p.m. Check the newletter/Friday email for more details.
When do Presbyterian Women meet? Various PW Circles meet throughout the month. Contact the church office for more information.
What Sunday school classes do you offer? We have classes for preschool, elementary, middle & high school youth, and two adult classes. All classes begin at 11:15 a.m.